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Ray of light


Changing the world, one project at a time.

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From visions to creations

An International Humanitarian Organization

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Everything we do, we do with purity of heart and clarity of mind. Our core believe and philosophy emanates from the heart centered mind where the principle is to do, to create and to co create in the highest good of all involved 

(Inspired by Jan Huss and Jesus Christ)


Why are we doing this?

Because this Earth belongs to you. We are One Movement, One People, One Family, and One Glorious Nation under God! 

International Commodity Clearing Houses

International Commodity Clearing Houses (ICCH) Technical Manual 



Ray of Light Industries, a division of Ray of Light International, will be the Administrator and Contracting Entity for the Program.


The ESS will be the underlying program in support of the whole ICCH operation.


Larger MD's could team up to create a computer network similar to the Worldwide Web, to accommodate the need-driven distribution of commodities.


Statement of Purpose: The purpose of this ICCH program is to: stabilize prices for Food Commodities, Manufactured Goods, and Raw Materials, and to ensure Farmers and Manufacturers receive sufficient profits to productively stay in business. Our mission includes organizing a worldwide network of clearinghouses, warehouses, and distribution centers where commodities can be stored and then shipped to wherever they are needed.


The Clearing Houses will be set up a computer network like the internet, with a huge database where commodity availabilities are shown and made accessible to other Clearing Houses. The network will request and receive distribution orders to move commodities where needed.


Statement of Belief: Food should be grown Organically, to feed people healthy, nutritious foods; not food grown with pesticides, artificial fertilizers, or hormones to justify larger profits.


Example of The Play for Farmers:

  · The local farmers or manufacturers will be offered a ten-year contract (with options to extend) to Pre-purchase, in the spring of each year, their entire annual production at fair prices. A Performance Bond will be issued to each contracted entity to cover our portion of the Contract.

  · The moving average of the last five-year annual production will dictate the amount of upfront money they will receive for the following year. Provisions will be made to accommodate the local sale of produce at desired farmer’s markets. Paying it forward will be encouraged.

  · At the end of the growing season, the ICCH will own the produce and store it in purchased, rented storage facilities or warehouses already being used locally.

  · As part of a long term plan, the head of each farm will make growing adjustments to ensure the crops qualify as Organic. Small loans or grants will be made available to restore the land to produce the most nutritious crops available.

  · Provisions for the growing of industrial Hemp, provided by the new Farm Bill, will be encouraged by using grants for needed new machinery, planting, cultivating, harvesting. and processing of the Hemp crop.

  · Each farm/Farmer contracted shall receive an additional $1.00 added to their RSS Beneficiary download ($525,600 per year) as a contract signing bonus.

  · With the use of Grants, Ray of Light Industries will partner with farmers to finance the repair of their soil and bring their farm to a Certified Organic Farm status. This should be accomplished in less than three years. No pre-purchase contracts will be given for any GMO crop production.

  · CAC Directors, who are local to the Famers, will act as the liaison between the Farmer and the RSS program. The Director will have a unique User ID# to establish the ECA’s and have authority to access RSS Beneficiary Accounts in support of the Farmer’s contract.

  · The Directors will have authority to adjust the ECA per-minute download as per the Farmer’s wishes. The Director will also have authority to secure loans or grants to assist the Farmer’s needs.

  · ECA's will be available, for farm laborers to sign, at appropriate download levels for the work being performed. Family children of the farmer, 12 years old and older, may qualify for an adjusted ECA up to the age of 18. The head of the farm, who signs the contract, shall administer the ECA’s and offer raises for those in his/her employ in concert with the CAC Directors.

  · An Agriculture Board, made up of experts in soil repair and other Agriculture affairs, will be established to provide guidance and education to Farmers to coordinate crop rotations for market needs. Emphasis will be placed on soil nutrition and the use of fertilizers to maintain Organic certification. Most genuine Farmers, who have superior knowledge acquired from working with the soil for years, will receive help from new soil technology and shared expert experiences.

  · Supported thought grants as needed, the local Farms will play their part in the preparation of food stuffs and the packaging required to support the marketing of commodities through the distribution channels.

  · Farmers will return to the social strata of the old days when farming was a respected way of making a living. Corporate farms will be bought and sold back to Farming Families who have lost their farms by being forced out of business by crooked bankers. The above micro example will support the Macro plan of the ICCH in the many varied aspects of food production, manufactured goods, and the raw materials industries. The foregoing example for farmers can be adapted to the manufacturing of hard goods, as well as the enhancement of raw materials production in support of most sectors of the Economy.


The ESS:

The net effect of the ESS will be to stabilize the profitability of all participants in the Economy, while also lowering the prices of items to the consumer.


Following the example of the Farmers, the emphasis will be on preserving the earth and its eco-systems, with the net result of cleaning up the environment from past profit driven decisions.


The ESS will use the manufacturing industry to support the Famers with the latest technology available, and at prices that are affordable to the food industry. As we get established in the pre-purchasing of manufactured goods, and with the use of ECA’s to support the work force, there will be huge sums of money injected into the economy with no expected profits in return. Given the huge funds available for us to provide this kind of service, and to create an environment where mankind can flourish and thrive, operating under a loss will never be an issue for any MD.


The manufacturing sector of the ESS program will use the present national and international distribution systems to support farming endeavors all over the world. Farmers and food suppliers will be supported with lower costs and better financial services to foster their success.


Because ICCH is international, developing countries will be included and assisted in increasing their production of food. This will also ensure that each country has enough nutritious food to feed their people. Having the contracted ownership of large equipment, ICCH will support our farming programs by shipping farming and construction equipment all over the world. To eliminate one of the main obstacles in feeding people, large, responsible road building projects will be implemented to create a ribbon of highways in each underdeveloped area or country to transport food to the local markets


NOTE Regarding Profit:

There will be a break even, or non-profit, approach to all that will be implemented through the Ray of Light programs.


Brokers and Middlemen:

The ICCH program will work with brokers and middlemen, essential as proven distribution chains, to enhance the effective distribution of commodities. The ESS, in conjunction with the ICCH program, will incorporate and enhance participation using ECA’s at any level needed. The ICCH program will ensure that everyone in the Producer and Distribution Chain, of commodities and manufactured goods, will be financially viable.


Developing Water Resources:

Sufficient clean water is essential to increase food production, especially in under-developed nations such as on the continent of Africa. Massive investments, in developing natural resources to bring water to the farming location, is a must. Africa, for instance, has a large aquifer under most of the African continent.


Thousands of wells need to be engineered and drilled to bring the water up to the surface for famers to irrigate crops. Governments don’t have the money to do this, Farmers don’t have the money either, so it is left up to MD’s to provide the money to accomplish this.


There is sufficient water available during the rainy season to refill the aquifer, and when it is accessed, with the long sunny growing season two or three crops per year may be possible.


Clearing houses on the African Continent will collectively be called, PACH, for Pan African Clearing Houses. The 54 countries in Africa will form PACH with representatives from each country. PACH will be the exporting and importing authority in coordination with each country’s government.



Many commodities are shipped overseas to markets outside of Africa leaving shortage of these commodities for the African population. Cocoa beans are a good example. Many people in East Africa cannot afford the prices for cocoa from West Africa that European countries can afford to pay.


As there are perhaps hundreds of these types of projects that can be implemented all over the world, many MD’s will be needed. And this project, once started in Africa, can act as a prototype for other areas.


Other underdeveloped countries have similar problems and need a similar financial solution from the investment of money without a profit incentive.


The ICCH, with the support of the ESS and the equipment Ray of Light Industries can supply, will take on this project with the intensity it deserves.


There will need to be a coordinated effort with qualified individuals who have vision to get the ICCH up and running. It may take a year or two of intense planning to implement all phases of the program.


Each MD will have an opportunity to get involved in areas that suit their desires and capabilities. ICCH will provide the computer network, and with MD funds, we can build large warehouses to store commodities for distribution.


Forward Looking Statements using New Technology:

We are of the opinion that new technologies will come into play to fill in the gaps in our present technology, and to accommodate the massive changes to our society and the economy that are taking place.


1. Matter Replicators:

While we believe matter replicators will have their purpose in helping to feed those who do not have access to food and water, there is a social component of enjoying a meal with family and friends that may not be accommodated with them. The food industry will change to a degree, but the social traditions will remain.


Going out to eat with friends and family will always be an enjoyable event. We see a more local approach to this industry that may blossom where large fast-food companies and national restaurants might lose their charm. We also see local smaller diners, with family recipes, being a large draw.


The bottom line is we will continue to go out to restaurants and clubs to enjoy one another’s company while eating and drinking.


2. Free Energy devices:

A new industry will spring up to transition between public utilities and private sources of electricity. Every location that uses electricity will require an installation of new equipment to allow free energy to be used. It will also require disconnection from the present distribution system.


3. Hydrogen Fuel Cell:

The use of Fuel cells will compete with the use of electric cars. Fuel cells can accommodate the present infrastructure and are less disruptive of what is already supporting automobile transportation.


Using hydrogen, as a fuel for fuel cells that create electricity, will accommodate traveling over long distance that is prohibited with battery based electric cars.


Hydrogen is readily available and burns clean with no pollution. The exhaust is H2O.


A new distribution network for hydrogen will support hydrogen as the fuel source for the electrical energy these cars will need. This will keep the present distribution network in place by installing Hydrogen pumps and storage tanks. ECA’s will also assist in the expansion of this industry.


4. Anti-gravity transportation:

Anti-gravity machines leave our 3rd dimension when traveling and reenter when landing. Going out of dimension means they don’t collide with each other. They have their own energy source that requires no fuel.


The larger machines can be used to haul many truckloads of grains or produce at a time and can be off-loaded where needed. No need for roads; delivery of items is just moments instead of days by truck, or even weeks by boat.


Anti-gravity transportation is fast and efficient in getting the commodity where you want it. ICCH will take great advantage of anti-gravity machines for transporting commodities when the technology becomes available for manufacturing and distribution. Surely, some of out MD’s will be interested in manufacturing Anti-Gravity vehicles of various sizes. Does this feel like an exciting venture for you? 


                                                                                                                     Ronald K. Giles, Overseer of qfs2020

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