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Ray of light


Changing the world, one project at a time.

Are you ready for new way of living?
Do you have a humanitarian heart and project 
in mind?
If you do, come and co-create with us!
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From Visions to Creations

An International Humanitarian Organization

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Everything we do, we do with purity of heart and clarity of mind. Our core believe and philosophy emanates from the heart centered mind where the principle is to do, to create and to co create in the highest good of all involved 

(Inspired by Jan Huss and Jesus Christ)


   We will change the global economy, financial system, health care, governments, education the way money is used for the highest good of all to create abundant mentality for all, and will change Society into the New Golden Age of Mankind.


     We will transform and ENHANCE one district at the time to its natural state that is natural for the humankind with plants to expand globally and continue to the age of intergalactic travel. 


How are we going to do this?

 We have several action plants in place where you can help your family, community and beyond.

Why are we doing this?

Because this Earth belongs to you. We are One Movement, One People, One Family, and One Glorious Nation under God! 

Revenue  Sharing   Solution

Our goal will be to help connect visionaries that have amazing humanitarian heart and projects in mind to make the world a better place, with those who have the financial means to make that happen. Successful models will be shared, so anyone can duplicate methods that work all over the world.

Our mission is to re-build Planet Earth and fulfill its real potential, as a center of Harmony, Love, Freedom, Peace, Prosperity, and Abundance and then expand into the Multiverse.

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The RSS Action Plan is the foundation for all the other Action Plans. Although it was designed for the local community, it has the ability to support all commerce from the local community to the City, to the State, to the nation, to all nations of the world, and to every Star nation that is part of the Galactic Federation of Star Nations. More info...

The RSS internet platform acts as an accounting ledger that will be housed in the Quantum Internet system and will interface with the Quantum Financial System (QFS). This makes the platform safe and secure and easy to transfer money. Being housed on the new Quantum Internet, makes it is accessible to most people worldwide to distribute funds. More info...

Community  Assistance   Center

Each Director will be the publics face of the  Community Assistance Centers CAC, meaning they will handle all public relation affairs.

Each Director will work with the local community to assess the needs of each community.

Directors will seek out small, service-oriented businesses and offer Employment Contract Accounts (ECA) to the owners and their employees. The offering of contract accounts allows the business to continue to keep its employees and pay them what they deserve. More info...


Economic  Stabilization   System


To stabilize the market prices in each of the four Economic Sectors of the Economy by pre-purchasing all annual production of commodities and/or goods; and distribute them to consumer marketing outlets already established. This will be accomplished in each country of the world in support of the program. This will ensure financial stability for every participant in the World Economy. More info...


International  Commodity  Clearing Houses

Our mission includes organizing a worldwide network of clearing houses, warehouses, and distribution centers where commodities are stored and then shipped to where they are needed. Clearing Houses will be set up on a computer network similar to the internet, with a huge database where commodities are made accesible to other clearing houses.

•Farmers will be offered 10 year contract

•ICCH will own the produce and store in local warehouses

•Small loans or grants for restoration of soil and new equipment offered

•Bring farm to Certified Organic Farm status within 3 years (grand)

•CAC Director will act as liaison between farmer and the RSS program

•The ESS program will use the present national and international distribution systems to support farming endeavors all over the world.

•ICCH will ship farming and construction equipment all over the world to support our farming programs to also include manufactured goods. More info...

Residential  Home  Funding

Mission Statement: The Mission of the NRELS/RHF is to establish and maintain a national registry for the listing of properties for sale within the real estate markets of each State, County, and City for all nations in which the NRELS is functioning. 

Mission Purpose: To provide a financial structure for Families or Single persons to purchase a home at reasonable terms and prices. 

More info...

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More info coming soon
We’re not ready to launch this site just yet. By signing up below, you’ll be notified when we go live. 

Do you have questions about your project and could use some counsel?  Petra comes with great love and is excited to help you put your passions into motion!


Bring your questions and get ready for a fun collaborative experience.


All passions are welcomed and please know that ‘working on yourself’ definitely qualifies as a project to exercise with!


Please email us with your project and a brief description of the work you would like to get done and we will organize the next steps.


We are looking forward to hearing from you! If you already have a humanitarian project put together you can submit it to Petra in a PDF via email at 





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