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Value Pack - Healthy Detox and Body Cleanse

Value Pack - Healthy Detox and Body Cleanse



Our product contains both humic acid and fulvic acid, which supports healthy and comprehensive detoxification, gut health, and brain health.

The particle size of our humic acid is 20X smaller than other products to support optimal absorption and utilization of both the humic and fulvic acid compounds.


  • Supports a healthy gut-brain axis*
  • Facilitates healthy detoxification*
  • Promotes a healthy and diverse microbiome*
  • Encourages enzyme activity*
  • May support nutrient absorption*
  • Supports brain health, gut health and immune system health*
  • Stimulates electro-chemical communication between cells and promotes a healthy cellular function*


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  • product #10025

    You will receive: IVEr. - 10 strip of 10 pills each 12mg, 100 tablets per box. You receive 1 box. 

    1x Cytosan (Energy Herbs) 90 capsules.


    Use of the humic product Cytosan Inovum

    Cytosan is a natural product containing rare clays and humates, a mix of humine and fulvic acids. They were generated by gradual decomposition of organic substance found in brown coal and turf deposits. They represent exceptionally bioactive substances.

    Silymarin supports body cleaning*, liver health, good digestion** and regulates the blood sugar level***. It ensures natural resilience of the body and acts as an antioxidant.

    Effects and use of Cytosan Inovum

    » deep detoxification of the body
    » significant detoxification of the digestive tract
    » regeneration and protection of cells against heavy metals, poisons and toxic substances
    » dietary supplement in the treatment of oncological diseases of the digestive tract, especially the colon and rectum
    » protection of the liver against liver toxins and regeneration of already damaged liver cells (cirrhosis, steatosis, etc.)
    » inflammations of tissues in the mouth, throat, stomach, large and small intestines (Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis)
    » gastric and duodenal ulcers
    » functional gastrointestinal disorders (diarrhea, constipation)
    » bacterial and viral infections (Herpes virus, Cytomegalovirus, Helicobacter pylori, etc.), cold sores and weakened immunity » detoxification from fungi and yeast (Candida albicans and others)


    * The product will ship without the original box to reduce shipping costs. Ships from the USA.

    * FREE domestic shipping


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*FDA Disclaimer:The information provided is for educational purposes and is not intended as medical advice, or a substitute for the medical advice of a physician or other qualified health care professional. We do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. You should always consult with a doctor or other health care professional for medical advice or information about diagnosis and treatment. The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration or any other medical body.

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